IT documentation automated and in real time

The IT Documentation Service from T&N for an always up-to-date documentation of your IT infrastructure.

T&N‘s IT Documentation Service automates the inventory and documentation of your IT infrastructure. This eliminates the time consuming and manual compilation of information.

A service on a Windows system on your network collects data from your systems and devices on a daily basis. This includes servers, workstations, network devices (e.g. switches, firewalls, printers), licenses, azure and virtualizations. T&N securely manages and prepares the data in a dedicated database on its own server.

Via a web user interface, you have access to your current system data at any time. Every month we summarize the information from your infrastructure in a documentation (both on-premise and in the cloud) and send it to you.

This not only provides you with a constantly updated overview of your IT infrastructure, but also allows you to see on a early stage whether there is a need for action in your network, for example, outdated hardware/software or if updates have not been carried out on clients.

What does T&N‘s IT Documentation Service include?

  • Monthly updated documentation in PDF format
  • Web interface with access to all information
  • Customization of documentation to your individual needs
  • Export option of detailed reports on individual systems

Your benefits at a glance

  • Documentation of your IT infrastructure updated at any time
  • Live documentation via web portal
  • Early recognition of optimization potential of your IT infrastructure
  • Avoidance of tedious supplements of your documentation
  • Central overview of all systems and their properties

Our IT Documentation Service is based on the Docusnap software. Docusnap supports automated network inventory, IT documentation, licence management and rights analysis.